nuff for click

Friday, October 14, 2011

Kraftfahrzeug Trunkenpolz Mattighofen

Gambar Pak Najib ni yg buat aku yakin motor ni masuk Malaysia tk lama lg.

KTM Sportmotorcycle AG dikabarkan telah melancarkan model terbarunya yang berkuasa 200cc untuk pasaran Malaysia. Dibina dan dipasangkan sebuah kilang di India, ia diramalkan menembusi pasaran Malaysia Disember ini dengan harga di bawah 20k (15k-18k) menurut satu sumber. Semestinya ia membuatkan peminat-peminat motord tersenyum simpul tanda gembira. oleh yg demikian bersabarlah wahai peminat super motard sekalian. Salam sayang dari saya. ;-)

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Pernahkah pihak pentadbiran syarikat anda meminta maklum balas / cadangan anda????
Pernah mengisi borang cadangan tersebut???
Apakah cadangan dan maklum balas anda????
Adakan jawapan anda ringkas, padat dan penuh bermakna seperti gambarajah diatas???? (hehehehe.....)

Friday, August 5, 2011

apa masalah aku sebenarnya???

masalah terbesar baru ja melanda aku.... ssh hati sungguh....
mmg aku puncanya.. mmg aku mslhnya....
sesungghuhnya aku sgt tensen dgn diri aku sendiri... apsal aku mcm ni.... bkn setakat kecewakan hati org, tapi da buat org marah... dan paling, mnyusahkan diri sendiri lak tu....

nk ckp dgn org tua sendri pun leh segan.... "common la weii!!!!' wannabe looser ka?????
soal masa dpn sendiri... hidup and mati kot..... tp apsal laaku leh segan sgt nk ckp... segan ka???argggghhhh!!!!!!! aku pn tatau... ni la akibatnya kalo tk rapat dgn org tua sendiri... patut diaorg la dijadikn tmn baik.... tp aku da wat yg sebaliknya.... jrg bersembang n bergaul mesra dengan semua ahli kluarga aku..... adakh ini kesannya terlalu lama jauh dgn org tua and berdikari sgt sebelum smpi waktu.....

tapi aku kena igt.. ni soal masa dpn aku... hati org perlu dijaga... berapa kali nk kecewakan org... berapa kali nk mnyusahkn diri sendri... kemon la beb..... mulut tu jgn berat sgt.... kemon ye broo... mnyesal kemudian tk berguna da... igt jgn tk igt.... grrrrrr......

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Aktiviti di kala "traffic jammed" yang hebat. ;-)

Satu hari di hari kerja yg seperti biasa...
Jln raya jammed teruk... silap2... highway yg jammed sebenarnya... truk gak ar... highway yg paling fames dlm malaysia ni.. hehehe..
Jika anda pernah mengalaminya atau terfikir berada dlm situasi ini, apakah aktiviti yg anda fikir sesuai ketika menghadapinya... hehehehe....

aku bukan nya apa... cuma aritu terperasan, ada aktiviti yg buat aku tersengih sorang2 masa tengok driver2 kereta yg tgh menggunakan masa yang panjang dalam jammed tu... bagi aku, ada antaranya memang mnarik... hehehehe.... boleh lacuba kalau ada yg berminat... ;-)

Driver 1 :-
Aku tgk "ah-so" khusyuk tgk 'music note' punya buku.. pas tgk, tnjuk2 dan belek2 than dia senyum... mungkin dia seorg guru music yg berjaya hingga sudi menghabiskan masa jamm nya dgn menelaah musicnote book nye itu. ;-0

Driver 2 :-
Dia merupakan seorang apek berbangsa cina... hehehehe.... driver lori kot... tp apa yg dibuatnya... aku tgk pun musykil... apek ni baca buku kecik, bertulisan cina, kertas pun da kuning aku tgk... takkan novel cina kot??? jd kesimpulan yg aku buat ialah, dia tgh bljar kungfu la kot... hehehehe... buku tu bknlah buku biasa... tp kitab lama... mcm crita kungfu hustle tu... hehhehe...

Driver 3 :-
Driver biasa ja aku tgk... gadis mnaiki kelisa... hehehe.. aku igt lgi... seat dpn and belakang pnuh ngn kotak2.... aku nmpk dia nyanyi2, mungkin mengikut alunan radia, tak pun cd, tk pun mp3... gaya nyanyi mcm tk sdp ja aku tgk... hahahhaha.... yg syoknya, dia nyanyi2 and then tiba2 terus mnguap mcm singa betina, mulut bukak luas gila... hahahahhaa.... aku gelak sorg2... gila bosan kot dok dlm jamm...

Driver 4 :-
Ini aktiviti standard la bagi driver lelaki yg ala2 macho.. hahahhaha... dressing kemeja.. rambut letak gel kasi pacak sikit, dengan mata merah yg barai, bukak tgkap keta... bukak la sekotak ilham yg berasap dan cucuh la sebatang rokok... hehehhe... sambil sedut asap rkok smbil sedut asap diesel/ron95/ron97... sedap perisa baru ni... hahhhahaha.. lyn beb.. cuba la try...

itu je la kot story hri ni... aku pn da lama tk update blog ni....

nasib baik la tadak yg buat aksi 18sx masa dlm jammed kan... mgkin ada kot... kalo mlm... hehehhe.... kalo ada leh aku rakam... pastu upload dlm youtube... share2 la ngn org kan.. hehehehe... keji tak... hahahha... biarla kat aku... sapa suruh tayang kat org kan??? aku menjalan kn tggungjawab aku ja... bye... nnt jumpa lagi.. nk mkn lak.. lapo...

Assalamualaikum.. ;-)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Logo's gone terribly wrong!‏!!!

Any idea what this is supposed to be? Can't figure out? Child care centre or what?? But looks otherwise!!

Atherton Car Centre

A-Style - Realy classy

Another dental clinic - This seems to be popular!

Instituto de Estudos Orientais

Megaflicks - Not the best font for this word - lettering too close! But helps with sales!!!

Kudawara - What kind of pharmacy is this? Meant to be "K"

Kids Exchange - As this name didn't sound weird enough, they decided to write it close together!

Junior Jazz Dance Classes

Dental clinic

Arlington Pediatric Center - Loving the kids a little too much!

Computer Doctors

p/s: Wish to establish a company?, be careful how you design your Company Logo....
above are some examples of logos gone terribly wrong .....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

10 Sebab Mengapa Mat Rempit Masuk SYURGA

Maha suci Allah dari segala sekutu. Tempat manusia berserah dan berwala’ kepadaNya. Selawat dan salam kepada junjungan Nabi Muhammad SAW diatas rahmat yang dicurahkan baginda ke seluruh alam.

10 Sebab Mengapa Mat Rempit Masuk SYURGA

1. Bukankah Allah itu Maha Penerima Taubat. Mereka bertaubat. Mereka berazam betul-betul untuk tidak buat lagi perbuatan yang sia-sia dan berdosa. Insya Allah, mereka akan masuk Syurga.

2. Jumlah mat rempit di Malaysia sahaja sudah mencecah ribuan orang. Daripada mereka kamikaze di jalan raya, baik mereka melakukan ‘amali istisyhadiah’ atau dihantar jihad di Palestin. Berdasarkan pengetahuan penulis, peperangan di Palestin adalah perang jihad kerana mempertahan hak, nyawa dan harta orang Islam.

3. Menghantar pesakit ke hospital. Ini mungkin tidak sesuai untuk pesakit yang tidak sedarkan diri. Antara ‘basic knowledge’ bagi seorang Mat Rempit ialah, CILOK. Penulis kadang-kadang kesian melihatkan ambulan yang tersekat di dalam kesesakan jalan raya. Dengan bantuan Mat Rempit, insya Allah lebih ramai nyawa yang akan diselamatkan.

Kalau pesakit tak boleh nak dibawa, Mat Rempit akan ke hospital berhampiran dan akan membawa doktor dan petugas perubatan ke tempat kejadian dengan sepantas kilat.

4. Berlumba-lumba untuk solat berjemaah. Walau sibuk macam mana sekalipun, Mat Rempit tidak akan meninggalkan solat berjemaah. Dengan penguasaan track (jalan2) yang tinggi, mereka dapat mengetahui di mana kedudukan masjid dan surau dengan tepat.

Itu tidak lagi ditambah dengan pahala memboncengkan pakcik yang ditemui ditepi jalan untuk ke masjid.

5. Qiamulail. Seorang mat rempit telah terdidik untuk selalu berjaga tengah malam sehingga pagi buta. Terutama malam-malam minggu. Masjid dan surau-surau akan penuh dengan motor 125, RXZ dan lain-lain. Motor-motor ini tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah milik Mat Rempit yang berqiamullail. Mereka menangis dalam solat tahajjud dan taubat. Bersungguh-sungguh meminta dari Allah dalam solat hajat. Khusyu’ dalam berzikir dan beristighfar.

6. Bincang masalah umat. Kebiasaan mat rempit adalah berkumpul dahulu sebelum merempit. Semasa dalam kumpulan ini, mereka akan membincagkan masalah-masalah umat Islam, isu politik, berbincang mengenai kekuasaan Tuhan dan banyak lagi. Perbincangan mereka adalah perbincangan yang tidak sia-sia.

7. Berkawal malam. Ada sebuah hadith nabi yang mafhumnya, seorang yang ‘ribat’ ditengah malam adalah lebih baik daripada seluruh dunia dan isinya. Yang dimaksudkan dengan ribat ialah berkawal di tengah malam. Mat Rempit akan bekerjasama dengan polis untuk mengawal masalah jenayah yang sering berlaku pada tengah malam. Macam super hero lah kiranya Mat Rempit ni.

8. Menghiburkan isteri dan keluarga. Jika dulu, Mat Rempit adalah sinonim dengan Bohsia dan Bohjan. Sekarang, Mat Rempit bukan seperti yang dulu. Mat Rempit selalu meluangkan masa membawa isteri dan kadang-kadang anak-anak berjalan-jalan menaiki motor.

Pada hujung minggu, Mat Rempit akan berpiknik dan mengeratkan silatur rahim dengan Mat Rempit yang lain.

Mafhum Hadith ‘Sebaik-baik kamu adalah yang melakukan kebaikan kepada keluarganya‘.

9. Menangkap peragut. Jiwa Mat Rempit yang suka menolong orang dalam kesusahan telah sebati. Dalam apa jua keadaanpun, seorang mat rempit selalu ‘alert’ dengan perkara yang berlaku di sekelilingnya.

Kes ragut yang disiarkan di dalam TV tidak akan berlaku jika Mat Rempit ada di tempat kejadian, kerana merekalah orang yang pertama akan menangkap penjenayah itu.

Selain daripada itu, seorang Mat Rempit dikurniakan Allah satu ’sense’ yang istimewa. (sixth sense lah ni). Mat Rempit dapat menghidu jenayah dari jauh dan dapat juga mengetahui niat jahat seseorang itu. Jadi, sebelum jenayah berlaku, seorang Mat Rempit mungkin akan mengalihkan perhatian orang yang berniat jahat tadi.

10. Tawakkal yang tinggi. Sentiasa bezikir. Sentiasa mengingati kematian. Membaca doa keselamatan sebelum memulakan perjalanan. Ini semua adalah perkara-perkara yang seorang Mat Rempit akan lakukan ketika mula menghidupkan enjin motor hingga kembali mematikannya.

Mat Rempit sedar bahawa ajal dan maut di tangan Allah. Nyawanya boleh ditarik Allah bila-bila masa sahaja. Justeru, Mat Rempit selalu mempersiapkan dirinya menghadap Yang Maha Esa

Dengan segala sikap, sifat dan perkara yang ditulis di atas, adalah tidak mustahil bagi seorang Mat Rempit untuk masuk ke syurga.


p/s: Post ini dibuat sebagai response kepada masalah Mat Rempit yang semakin menjadi-jadi. Namun penulis sangat yakin bahawa ada nilai perubahan terhadap mereka yang bergelar REMPIT ini.

Disclaimer : Tulisan ini dbuat bersandarkan Al-Quran dan Sunnah serta ilmu pengetahuan penulis. Ianya mungkin sahaja salah dan tidak bertepatan dengan natural seorang Manusia. Namun disinilah tugas ANDA sebagai harapan kepada Mat Rempit ini. Segala kritikan, komentar dan teguran adalah amat dialu-alukan.


(di ambil dari slh satu rakan forum. "khaledcool")

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tyre Tips

Hi all..

Just want to share some tips for your tyre because today i have spent so much on it. Feel like just waste my money. Its not cheap to buy it right now right??

So this tips are for me... and for all of you too...
hope can benefit all.. thanks.

Top Tyre Tips for checking tyre pressures correctly:
  • Check tyre pressure at least once a month.
  • Tyre pressure should be checked against the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended level. This can be found in the vehicle handbook and on a plate which is often located inside the fuel filler flap or on the driver’s door sill.
  • Check the pressure when tyres are cold (i.e. when you have travelled less than two miles).
  • If you are carrying a full load of passengers or luggage or will be towing a trailer or caravan, tyre pressures should be increased in line with the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations. Details can be found in the handbook.
  • Ensure a reliable and accurate pressure gauge is used.
  • Check the pressure in all four tyres not forgetting to check the spare tyre as well.
  • While checking pressures, give the rest of the tyre a visual inspection. Remove any stones and other objects embedded in the tread. Look out for any bulges, lumps or cuts.
  • If you are unsure on any aspect of tyre pressure or tyre condition take your vehicle to an approved fitting centre and speak to the experts.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

"Ungkapan Emas" tajuknya

quote ni saya dpt lama dah... tp baru hri ni nak share.. hehe..
bila recheck balik inbox terjumpa plak dgn bnda ni.. jd saja la nk share...

tp btul kah niat si Hitler ni...
atau ada plan lain...
sbb dunia ni penuh tipu muslihat..
semua pun ada 'udg di sebalik batu'...
kalo ada slh ckp btulkan la ye.. ;-)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

MUMMY DAY!!!!!!!!!

happy mum / mummy / ummi / mama / mak / ibu / bonda / amma day.... hehehehehe...

to my umi...
happy mother day...
love u...
may god bless your life now and the hereafter....

Saturday, April 9, 2011

THE Brandon Boyd

Brandon Charles Boyd (born February 15, 1976, in California) is an American musician, author, and visual artist. He is best known as the lead vocalist of the American rock band Incubus.

Graduated from Calabasas High School in 1994 and attended Moorpark College for two years before committing to Incubus. Brandon grew up in Calabasas, CA with Ricky Taylor who inspired him to write music. His best friends were DJ Buchanan and Shawn Becker. His parents, Dolly and Charles Boyd, both of whom had experience in entertainment, had nurtured his artistic side since he was a child. His younger brother, Jason Boyd, was also the lead singer of a band called Audiovent, which has since broken up. Other musical family members include cousin Robert "Berto Chico" Boyd who is an accomplished Flamenco guitarist and composer. He had first met José Pasillas in elementary school in the 1980s, but it was not until high school that he was asked to join a band that already included Pasillas, Mike Einziger and Alex Katunich. Boyd's vocal abilities, which were for the most part self-taught (he had taken two lessons before he ran out of money, but he claims he learned everything he would need), proved to be the final essential element for the band. In an interview, Boyd explained that he had "yet to stumble across his best work" because he lacked the ability to read music.

Brandon Boyd has written two books. The first, written in 2003, was White Fluffy Clouds: Found Inspiration Moving Forward. It was published by Endophasia Publications and mainly consists of his artwork, photography, song lyrics from Incubus, and additional writings and thoughts. His more recent publication, From the Murks of the Sultry Abyss, was also published by Endophasia in 2007.

In recent years, Brandon Boyd has focused on making fine art, specifically painting, and on September 8, 2008 celebrated the opening of his first solo show, titled "Ectoplasm," at Mr. Musichead Gallery in Los Angeles, California.

On July 6, 2010, Boyd announced that his debut solo album, The Wild Trapeze was released. On June 21, 2010, a music video for Boyd's first single from The Wild Trapeze, entitled "Runaway Train," was released online. A second music video was released for the album, for the song "Last Night a Passenger" in October 2010.

He is also known for his mostly self-designed tattoos. On his forearms he carries the widely known Buddhist mantra Om Mani Padme Hum, referring to the qualities of generosity, ethics, patience, diligence, renunciation and wisdom. Underneath that is a koi fish in red ink designed by friend and fellow bandmate, José Pasillas II. On the inside of his right arm he has several tattoos, one once again incorporating the Tibetan mantra and another designed after a crop circle. Following the release of their album "A Crow Left of the Murder," he got an elaborate back tattoo featuring the common image of the All Seeing-Eye embedded in a pyramid. He also has a tattoo of the Eye of Horus on his right ankle. Other tattoos include his parents' names (Priscila and Charles) on his forearms, an owl on his back, one tear drop on his index finger on both hands, and a picture inspired by Aubrey Beardsley famous art, "The Peacock Skirt" on his left arm.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Indonesian band, DEWA or also known as DEWA 19 is originating from Surabaya. Since the band's formation in 1986 there have been a number of changes to the lineup. Dewa was first formed in 1986 by four students from a junior high school SMPN 6 in Surabaya. The name Dewa originated as an acronym of the founding members' names: D from Dhani (keyboard, vocals), E from Erwin Prasetya (bass guitar), W from Wawan Juniarso (drums) and A from Andra (guitar). The first album Dewa 19 was released in 1992.

There are so many controversial about this band, the band itself and same goes to individual in this band. But, the music they perform, elaborate is such a beautiful arts. Just like a true musician. That's why they born as a rock star.. hehehe....

Besides that, Dewa members have their own side project. Dhani now also playing for "The Rock", Andra playing guitar for his own "Andra and The Backbone", and also Once develops his career as a solo singer.

For your info, Ahmad Dhani announced Elfonda 'Once' Mekel has resigned on January 19, 2011. The strong candidates for the next vocalist is Zian, Zigas' vocalist or Judika, the winner of 2005 Indonesian singing contest.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Boring S.U.N.D.A.Y morning

bosan weyhh hri ni...
rasa nk kuar, tp mls pn ada... 50-50..
tk kluaq bosan, kluaq plak mls....

apa mau bikin ntah....
tkkan blogging je kot kn... hehehe...
nsib smlm MU mng....
apa punya turr da....

#ampun kalo selfishness sgt entry ni.... ;-)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lets Fiesta!!! with FORD

The Ford Fiesta is a front wheel drive Supermini/Subcompact manufactured and marketed by Ford Motor Company.

By 2010, the sixth-generation (Mark VI) Fiesta had been introduced worldwide, including in the United States and Canada — making it the first Fiesta model to be sold in North America since 1980.

Ford Fiesta Mark VI, was shown in concept form as the Ford Verve at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September 2007
There are 4 body styles, including 3 and 5-door hatchbacks, 4-door sedan, and 2-door van. They are sold separately depending on the country.

Monday, February 21, 2011

iPhone 3GS

Hi all....
tadak sapa ka nk tolak iphone 3gs murah2.... hehehhe...
kalo ada bgtau la yee....
tima kasih... ;-)

Monday, February 7, 2011

"Stress / Tension"

aku tension la... stresss...
suma nya keja pnya psl..... ntah apa la...
ka aku ni tk matang lgi ar... jom ar tgk gmbr2 dari en google berkennaan stress....
hehehe.... utk hilgkn tnsen aku jap.. tu aku wat post ni..

kalo ada alat ni la kan... hhehehe.... best gila.....

tp budak2 engineering blajar psl stress.... aduyai... mmg style btul la... hahaha... kira la sndri... force, sigma, mass... pe jadahye ni.... huhhuhuhu...

nahhh... lgi utk budk2 engineering... bdk2 power.... kan2?? hehe

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hyundai Getz To Let Go !!!!


apa pendapat anda tentang kereta ni....
saja nk tau...
sbb ada member nk jual...
dari segi rupa mcm menarik gak la kan...
tp dari segi lain tatau la...
pendapat, pandangan anda dialu-alukan...
terima kasih, thank you, arigato... hehehehe...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I Love You.... Hailey Williams.... ;-)

Hayley Nichole Williams (born December 27, 1988) is an American singer, songwriter and the lead vocalist and keyboardist of the band Paramore.

At the age of 13, Williams moved from her hometown, Meridian, Mississippi, to Franklin, Tennessee, where she met fellow band members Josh Farro and Zac Farro in school. Then, she began taking vocal lessons with Brett Manning. While still in school, she tried out for a local funk cover band called The Factory where she met Jeremy Davis.

Williams was discovered in 2003 by managers Dave Steunebrink and Richard Williams who signed the 14-year-old to a production deal. According to former manager Jeff Hanson in an interview with HitQuarters, at the time she was writing pop songs with top songwriters in Nashville. Williams was introduced to Atlantic Records A&R Tom Storms through Richard's attorneys Jim Zumwalt and Kent Marcus, and then signed to the label by Jason Flom. The label's original plan for their new artist was to make her a solo pop artist but Williams objected to this, saying that she wanted to be part of a band and play alternative music. Atlantic decided to go along with her wishes and she then formed Paramore with Jeremy Davis and Josh and Zach Farro.

Williams is currently dating New Found Glory guitarist Chad Gilbert.

Really dont like this... huhhhh... so sad... :-(

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

If you are afraid of water.... thank GOD you are not born in Venice....

Don't know either this is true or not..... What do you say???

Lets Click!!!!

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