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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mekong Giant Fish

Fishers in northern Thailand netted this huge catfish in the Mekong River on May 1. Nearly nine feet long (2.7 meters) and as big as a grizzly bear, the behemoth tipped the scales at 646 pounds (293 kilograms). Experts say the fish, which belongs to the species known as the Mekong giant catfish, may be the largest freshwater fish ever recorded.

Thai fishers struggled for more than an hour to haul in the record-breaking Mekong giant catfish. Officials from Thailand 's Inland Fishery Department then used a performance- enhancing drug to stimulate the pituitary gland of the female fish in order to prepare it for a breeding program (above). Despite efforts to keep the bear-size catfish alive, it died and was later eaten by villagers.

Thai fisheries officials had hoped to release this adult female Mekong giant catfish after they stripped it of eggs (above) for a captive-breeding program. But the whopping fish, which was as big a grizzly bear, didn't survive.

Listed a critically endangered by the World Conservation Union (IUCN), the Mekong giant catfish is one of the world's largest freshwater fishes. Other contenders include the Chinese paddle fish and the dog-eating catfish?another Mekong river giant.
After a record-breaking Mekong giant catfish died, residents of Hat Khrai, a Thai village on the Mekong River , butchered the fish for its meat.

" Mekong people believe it's a sacred fish, because it persists on plant matter and 'meditates'"?in the deep, stony pools of the Mekong River ?"somewhat like a Buddhist monk, said Zeb Hogan, a fisheries biologist who studies the largest freshwater fish in the world. A WWF conservation fellow and National Geographic Society Emerging Explorer, Hogan has received funding from the National Geographic Society Conservation Trust.

Mekong giant catfish attract high prices in Thailand , because eating the fish is supposed to bring good luck


Mohd Ridhwan said...

goreng pon sodap

PMOfficial said...

besaq gila......hahahaaaa

Anonymous said...

walaweh.. besarnye..!! ngeri pulak nak makan.

faizzach said...

hahhaa.. kalo kbulurn sgt leh gak la mkn.. terdesak kn.. kalo tk jgn hrp la nk mkn... ntah binatg apa la ikn ni da telan pn tatau smpi leh besr cmni

mira_nas said...

wah.. sepuluh orang belum tentu habis...
kenduri besar la kalau dpat..

fathiah said...

best nye... :)

akuvision said...

tak liat ke daging dah bosa cenggini?, huhuh masak kenduri kahwin best ni

suzie rahman said...

eee,,,ni ikn mkn manusia ker manusia mkn ikn.wawawa

faizzach said...

catfish ikn keli kn... pepath ada tulis haruan mkn ank... keli???

Unknown said...

woa! what a big fish..wuuu :)

faizzach said...

big money for a big fish.. is it true or not arrr???? hmmm...

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